Friday, October 8, 2021

Oh, Happy Deià — Mallorca Guides Are Live!

Fall has officially arrived in San Diego and it probably looks a lot different than other parts of the world!

We're definitely a year-round summer city. You may already know that California is a drought rain is far and few between. However, this past week we've had a few rainy days and even thunderstorms.

I can count the number of thunderstorms I've seen in my lifetime in Southern California — that's how seldom they are. That said, the cooler weather is welcome and we're all rejoicing for the rain.

On another note, I can't believe I've been back from Europe for over a month now. I'm already scheming up some new adventures for summer 2022.

If you have Mallorca on your bucket list, I'm rolling out a series of guides for the island, starting with my full itinerary and then individual destination guides.

There are a few more I'll be posting in the next week or two, along with all of my Greece guides, so you can plan spring and summer trips for 2022!

(How is the new year just around the corner?!)