Thursday, September 22, 2022

Food for a Better Planet

Announcing Roads & Kingdom's partnership with the Curt Bergfors Food Planet Prize, the largest annual environmental award in the world. Plant that seed, people.
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Introducing the Food Planet Prize 2022

Planting a seed. There is no purer, more quintessentially human activity. The builder of worlds. And yet these days, when civilization has steered us into deeply complex and overlapping crises, there might be no simpler remedy than this: a single seed placed in good soil.

Yes, there's a metaphor in there. The power of the Curt Bergfors Food Planet Prize is not just in the material support they provide—though the $2 million annual award given by the Swedish foundation is no small sum. It's also about planting a seed, of hope more than anything, the hope that the combination of goodwill and good works can stand up to even the most daunting challenges. We are proud to be partnering with them to tell the stories of these food fighters and the good tidings they bring.

And for one of the three new finalists announced today, planting seeds is no metaphor. It's the real solution. Yakum is the combination of the energy and vision of two biologists and activists—Nick Ovenden and Mike McColm—in concert with leaders of some of Ecuador's most threatened indigenous groups like the Siekopai. Together, they came up with the answer to combat land poaching, oil extraction, and diabetes from poor modern diets: replanting food forests throughout the Amazon. The original inhabitants of this renourished land can then feed themselves better in pursuit of food sovereignty, which is the key to every other kind of sovereignty.

We sent writer Lise Josefsen Hermann and photographer Felipe Jacome on a long trek down the Aguarico River into the Amazon to see this simple miracle at work. The remarkable feature they produced is one of ten we're publishing over the Fall, a vast global project spearheaded by talented longtime R&K editor Alexa van Sickle. We hope you'll read through all the stories as they come out. Who knows, one of these inspiring initiatives might plant an idea or two in your life 🌱

And if there are any sustainable food game-changers in your life, you can nominate them for next year's Food Planet Prize:

All images by the multimedia artist and photojournalist Felipe Jacome
More from our series on the finalists of the Food Planet Prize 2022
New Zealand startup BioLumic is producing radically healthier and more productive crops, simply by exposing them to novel "recipes" of UV light. Fascinating tech, and a worthy finalist for the 2022 Food Planet Prize. Text by Kate Evans. Photos by Lottie Headley. More about BioLumi on Roads & Kingdoms
Cold Solutions, Warming Nigeria 
A Nigerian start-up takes on the problem of food spoilage at all steps of the production chain, one solar-powered cold room at a time. Writer Sunday Orji and photographer Andrew Esiebo crisscrossed Nigeria to see how this homegrown enterprise became a finalist for the 2022 Food Planet Prize. Learn more about ColdHubs on R&K
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