Monday, April 25, 2022

I bought that plane ticket 10 years ago

Hey fam,

I recently shared on Instagram that it's been 10 years since I decided to buy that one-way ticket to Bangkok and commit to taking off to the other side of the world solo.

Here's what I wrote on the caption of that reel: "10 years ago I closed one of the biggest deals my firm had touched and watched as they congratulated my male superior who did 1% of the work, if that, instead of me, who did 99%. I bought the domain for bemytravelmuse and the one way ticket to Bangkok shortly after.

10 years ago I didn't know what I wanted out of life and Instagram barely existed yet, blogs made very little money, and I was leaving a stable and lucrative career, but there had to be more and I realized money didn't make me happy. Freedom did.

It would be 6 months before I started posting regularly and really "started" the blog, but 10 years ago is when I pushed the purchase button on the flight and committed.

There were some very lean years. I only slept in dorms, hitchhiked to keep going, and would write freelance articles for as little as $50 to keep the dream alive. But one thing I knew for sure - I wasn't going back. I wasn't going to watch someone else get credit for what I did ever again, no matter what it took.

I met my love on the road, and we're starting a family, but I'll never forget my first baby - my blog. Social media is fun but the website is where I poured all my passion. Writing is my truest love. Now it gets nearly 500k visits every month and I'm so thankful for it all.

For so much of it I felt like I was too far behind, not good enough, never would be good enough, but somehow I stuck with it anyway. So if anyone needs to hear this - when you think it can't be done, do it anyway. What really makes people succeed is grit ♥️"

Special announcement: We've got spaces on our final BMTM Adventures women's tour of 2022, swimming with Humpback whales in French Polynesia! I will not personally be on this trip as I'll have a newborn, but you'll be with an amazing group of fellow female adventurers! Learn more and apply here.

There were so many comments on there from others who are on this journey of self discovery. If you're finding yourself in a similar place, check it out here. You're not alone.

Wishing you a wonderful week ahead!

