Friday, September 10, 2021

This State is Be-Utah-Ful!

We're heading to Utah this weekend!

And we're flying JSX (Jet Suite X). It's my first time flying with them, and the really exciting part is we get to bring Bailey along for the adventure. It's a semi-private airline that's got great rates for a more private experience.

As far as I know, it's the only commercial airline that still lets you bring larger pets that don't fit in an under-seat carrier, so long as you buy them a seat and they are leashed and well-behaved.

We're planning to rent a boat and enjoy the last bit of summer. After I left Bailey and Meyer for so long while I was in Europe, it felt like a good time to plan a family trip.

Once we're home, I'm going full force for Halloween decorating.

I mentioned I'm working on some fall and holiday content, and I'd love to know what you're interested in reading about — whether it's fall travel, recipes, or home goods.

Feel free to reply to this e-mail and let me know if you have any input on that!

You might remember last year's costumes for Halloween, where we all dressed up as Hogwarts students. Bailey, of course, was "Hairy Pawter." I think we have the perfect costume for this year and I'm so excited to share photos once we have time to shoot it.

Since we've only been in our home for a little over a year, we are slowly but surely adding (consciously) to our holiday decor. I didn't go too hard on Halloween decorations last year but this year I'm really going to spookify our little white house.

Think giant spiders crawling up the walls, a graveyard, and a haunted tree. I can't wait to get festive. ;)

That's all for now! Europe content is in the pipeline and guides will be up soon — peep next week's newsletter for links to blog posts!